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General characteristics

What physical characteristics allow us to identify them?

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How to distinguish
fish cetaceans?

How do we distinguish male and female cetaceans?

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How do cetaceans behave?

Social behavior
and food

Cetaceans are social animals and can form large family groups. They feed mainly on fish and other marine animals that they normally hunt through group cooperation.

Dolphins usually chase large schools of mackerel, tuna, etc., while whales feed on small organisms such as “Krill”.

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To orient themselves underwater and locate their prey, dolphins use a system called “Echolocation” which consists of emitting different sounds, which bounce around their environment, informing them of the distance, size, etc.

Migration movements

They are normally migratory species, which move in search of food and the conditions necessary for their life in each season. On the Tropical Coast, some species, such as the bottlenose dolphin, can remain throughout the year due to the nearby presence of fish farms.

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