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The port of Motril

The port of Motril-Granada, or simply port of Motril, is a commercial, fishing and sports port located in the Spanish municipality of Motril, in the province of Granada, Andalusia. It is the Captaincy of the maritime province of Granada (GR-1). It is managed by the Port Authority of Motril and is considered one of the Ports of General Interest of the State.

The port began to be built in 1908 with the aim of exporting sugar cane, salt and iron. It is located in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, on the Granada coast of the Mediterranean Sea, in the section between the Guadalfeo River delta, which forms Punta del Santo, to the west, and Cape Sacratif, to the east.

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Technical data


Latitude: 36º 43' 06'' N

Longitude: 003º 31' 30'' W


Wind regime

Reigning: SE Address

Dominant: SW direction

Theoretical temporary

Length: 200 (Km)

Maximum wave: 4.13 m.


Max. historical tide run: 1.10 m.

Max. annual tide run: 0.60m.


Input channel

Width: 100 m.

Length: 700 m.

Draft in BMVE: 14m.

Nature of the bottom: Mud

Entrance mouth Orientation: SE. Width: 250 m.

Characteristics of the Docks

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