Good Environmental Practices in Nature Tourism
Responsible environmental practices are actions that are aimed at reducing the negative impacts that human activities have on the natural environment, through changes in individual behaviors and in the organization of work.

Objectives that are achieved by adopting sustainable practices
in the tourism industry
Contribute to the sustainability of the activity, demonstrating respect for the environment.
Serve as an example and learning tool for both clients and other professionals in the sector
Improve customer satisfaction with the tourist experience, providing them with rewarding enjoyment that motivates them to repeat the activity in the future and spread it among others.
Contribute to the sustainability of the activity, demonstrating respect for the environment:
a) Reduce costs by adjusting the consumption of natural resources such as raw materials, water and energy to real needs, as well as minimizing the generation of waste.
b) Establish common environmental strategies in all tourism companies in the geographic area.
c) Promote the adoption of good environmental practices among its employees and clients, generating added value for society in general.
d) Project a positive image and gain customer recognition, which can provide business advantages and market opportunities.
In the specific case of tourism
whale watching
Compliance with laws and regulations is a necessary but not sufficient condition. Entrepreneurs and professionals in this sector must be committed and have the conviction to carry out and promote their activity in the most respectful way possible towards these marine mammals and their environment. This implies considering, among other causes:
Know and respect the fauna, its habitat and cultural heritage
Given that these resources are fragile, it is important to have knowledge about the fauna, the environment and protected areas, as well as maintain behavior that prevents their alteration or damage.
Familiarize yourself with and respect the corresponding regulations
It is necessary to obtain the required licenses to carry out the activity and comply with applicable regulations, paying special attention to activities carried out in protected spaces.
It is not enough to know the regulations, it is also essential to respect them and make them known, including the tourism code of ethics.
Inform, communicate and promote services and activities appropriately
The information and image provided to the client through various communication channels and advertising material (brochures, websites, social networks) are of utmost importance. It is necessary to provide truthful information, without generating false expectations, using new technologies and following coherent environmental guidelines in promotion and advertising.
Provide direct information to the client
at the destination
It is necessary to offer adequate information through maps and brochures, have a basic library and offer routes.