Whale watching in Andalusia

Sightings in Cádiz: Strait of Gibraltar
The waters that separate Europe from Africa, with a minimum distance of approximately 15 kilometers in some points, are ideal for carrying out this activity.
The coastal area that extends from the Bay of Cádiz to Algeciras, especially the municipalities of Barbate and Tarifa, is considered the epicenter of this activity. As the meeting point between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the Strait offers many opportunities to spot dolphins, whales and sperm whales, and even search for the elusive killer whales.
Sightings in Malaga
The Costa del Sol is recognized as one of the best areas in Spain to observe small cetaceans (dolphins), as evidenced by the wide range of nautical activities offered by numerous companies. In places like Estepona, Fuengirola or Caleta de Vélez, there is the opportunity to enjoy this experience aboard boats that make daily departures during the high season.
Although sightings of sperm whales, killer whales and pilot whales are less common in this area, dolphin sightings in Malaga can be complemented with the possibility of observing other species of marine fauna, such as flying fish or sunfish, depending on the circumstances.

Sightings in Granada
Having consulted both the existing records and the level of consultations with the fishing sector, there is no activity related to either fishing tourism or commercial cetacean watching in our province.
Just indicate that Cruises Costa Tropical offered, through the Boatdil catamaran, with dimensions of 15.6 meters in length and 6.8 meters in width and with capacity for almost a hundred passengers, a tour of the Granada coast with different routes. and stops, both at the Motril and Marina del Este marinas.
Costa Tropical Cruises have been on daily routes since 2016, to discover the Granada coastline on an hour and a quarter long excursion and special ones, from July 1 to August 31, with 3-hour excursions to experience the charms of the Costa Tropical in a different way.
It has been operating for three years on the Granada coast, with nearly 6,000 passengers annually.
In 2019, the company closed, due to not obtaining permits to install these removable structures, “it has become an impossible mission,” said the businessman, who abandoned after more than two years of unsuccessful procedures ( Ideal newspaper, September 23, 2019 ).